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      brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
             Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]


General: Guarding the Sefer Torah

David Kalb asked:

Dear Rav:

This past Shabbat, at the Shul I was at for Shacharit, the Shaliach
Tzibur when they walked around with the Torah they were not
accompanied by anyone else.

A person remarked that this was wrong.

They said the Torah needs to be "guarded" when the Shaliach Tzibur
walks around with it.

In other words other people should accompany the person carrying the Torah.

I have several questions on what I was told.

(a) Is this a Halacha or is it a Minhag?

(b) If it is a Halacha is the only Shitah or are there multiple Shitote.

(c) If it is a Minhag is it a Minhag of specific community or is a
more universal Minhag?

(d) Regardless of whether it is a Minhag, what is the reasoning
behind the practice, is it Kavod, or to physically protect the Torah?

Please give all sources.

The Kollel replies:

(a) The source for this is a Gemara in Sotah (39b) which is quoted by
the Rif (14b) and Rosh (3:13) in Megilah, and from there to Tur and
Shulchan Aruch (OC 149). This should therefore be considered a
Halachah, not a Minhag. 

(b) The Shulchan Aruch (OC 149) says that one should accompany the
Sefer Torah until it arrives at its destination. However, the Rema
(ibid.) states that only the Magbi'ah and Golel have a duty to
accompany the Sefer all of the way until the Aron Kodesh, whereas the
rest of the congregation need not do so unless the Sefer Torah passes
in front of them. The Ya'avetz, in his Sefer Mor u'Ketziy'a, explains
that the reason for this difference is because the Rema is talking
about places where the Sefer Torah is put away in the Shul, and there
is therefore not sufficient room for everyone to follow the Sefer
Torah, whereas the Mechaber is talking about places where the Sefer
Torah is put away outside Shul and there is room for everyone to accompany it. 

(c) See (a).

(d) The Gemara says we learn this from the Pasuk "Acharei Hashem
Elokeichem Teileichu". The Rif explains that the reason for this
Halachah is in order to honor the Sefer Torah.

Dov Freedman

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