Nicholas Clark wrote on 2009-08-28:
> On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 02:39:45PM +0100, Steve Hay wrote:
>> This doesn't work:
>> C:\gitclients\perl\t>..\perl .\harness -v
>> ..\ext\DynaLoader\t\DynaLoader.t
> That will (or should) tricker some temporary logic to suppress setting
>> but this does:
>> C:\gitclients\perl\t>..\perl .\harness -v
>> C:\gitclients\perl\ext\DynaLoader\t\DynaLoader.t
> That won't
> The logic is here
> and here
> I wonder if that's it

Ah, so *that*'s where the test actually gets run!

I stuck in a print statement to see what the $run command-line actually
is. In the relative path case it is:

../../perl -I../../t -MTestInit=U2T,A,NC "-T" t/DynaLoader.t |

whereas in the absolute path case it is:

./perl -I. -MTestInit "-T"
C:/gitclients/perl/ext/DynaLoader/t/DynaLoader.t |

so it looks like the (broken) relative path case has done a cd into
ext/DynaLoader, and the (working) absolute path case has not. Is that

Running the first of those command-lines from the ext/DynaLoader, it
seems that it is actually the "A" flag that causes the breakage, not the
"NC" flag:

C:\gitclients\perl\ext\DynaLoader>..\..\perl -I../../t
-MTestInit=U2T,A,NC "-T" t/DynaLoader.t
Not enough arguments for DynaLoader::dl_load_file at t/DynaLoader.t line
90, near "() "
BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at t/DynaLoader.t line

C:\gitclients\perl\ext\DynaLoader>..\..\perl -I../../t -MTestInit=U2T,NC
"-T" t/DynaLoader.t
ok 1 - use DynaLoader;
ok 2 - DynaLoader->can('bootstrap')
[...all tests pass ok...]

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