> On Jul 19, 2015, at 7:01 AM, Mankin, Allison <aman...@verisign.com> wrote:
> I’ve done a careful read of draft-ietf-dane-smime-08.  I find it to be in 
> very good shape, and on track for publication as an Experimental.

Thank you for this review, much appreciated, as chair I encourage others to 
take few minutes to read and review the document. 

> My review surfaced a few minor points, easy to address:
> - The NOTE FOR FUTURE DRAFTS was added about a year ago (in the 05 version) 
> and in my view, the WG 
>  has in the intervening year fulfilled the request of the note, to discuss 
> all the diverse types of usage of DANE.

This is for editors to address. 
> - I support modifying the draft to follow OPENPGPKEY on the LHS as the 
> working group has discussed.  Supporting this point, my colleagues 
> implemented the 08 draft exactly as it is
>  in our proof of concept DANE provisioning tool [1] and then updated the PoC 
> for this IETF with truncated SHA256. I’d love to see this settle down so that 
> we can support tests and
>  experiments with SMIMEA.  Correspondingly, I’d be glad to see the SMIMEA RR 
> assigned.  Currently the PoC uses a number from the Private Use space.

Getting the code assigned is a simple formality of filing a request as 
specified in http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6895 
appendix A. 

> - In addition to matching the approach of OPENPGPKEY on the LHS, it would 
> make sense for this draft to match the other draft's language on the subject 
> of response length.
>  I’d like to see the SMIME draft adopt the Security Considerations text about 
> response size from the OPENPGPKEY draft.

In my mind the question is rather than repeat the text how about just reference 
the text explicitly, same goes for the use of LHS is there need to repeat the 
definition or is 
should explicit reference be used. 

> Thanks!

> Allison

Thank you again for the review, and running code. 


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