Juliusz Chroboczek wrote (in third-person):
Juliusz said that the lack of a Windows GUI for Darcs is a tragedy.
Somebody said this is just a chicken-and-egg problem, and will solve
itself when Darcs is more popular.

As Zooko has pointed out on darcs-users, TortoiseDarcs is available. However, the version currently available is not the most recent version - we'll probably update it tomorrow (Tuesday) for you guys. It contains some bugfixes, mostly. If anyone has any feature requests or problems with it, please let us (through me) know.

Is there any chance of a repository being provided for it? Maybe with or near Darcs itself? It would make it easy for others to peruse and contribute to the code. Also, we're probably never going to find time to set up a world-visible repo for it and it seems sensible to situate it with Darcs, given how closely related it is.

Finally, while I'm on this ask-for-things streak, does anyone have a sensible location for the TortoiseDarcs installers? We don't really have the spare capacity for hosting it if it's going to get any number of significant downloads and I was otherwise thinking of adding a link to it (with the blessing of at least someone here), at http://darcs.net/DarcsWiki/CategoryBinaries

Grant Husbands.

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