Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
You should most certainly provide a publicly readable repository.
(I'm actually surprised to hear there isn't one yet.)

I think there's been a misunderstanding. We provided the darcs repository (as an archive) and all source code along with TortoiseDarcs, at the locations provided in the original email; we just didn't have the time to properly evaluate setting up a world-visible darcs server, which involves a security evaluation, for us.

We've now released a newer version (again, including source and _darcs folder) - see the separate announcement email (on darcs-users) for more details.

With Darcs, all you need is a web server with ssh and darcs installed;
there's nothing preventing you from using your favourite web hoster
(or your not-so-favourite one -- such as SourceForge).

I didn't know SourceForge allowed installation of or had Darcs. That would make them a reasonable candidate.

I'm not sure I'm following what you mean.  What is it that you don't
want to be doing yourself?

Essentially, providing bandwidth (which we don't have enough of) and hardware and setting up a secure darcs server, which seems to involve at least some effort around restricted shells and similar.

Whether the repo ends up being on darcs.net or on a different host, I
doubt any of the Darcs developers will be willing to administer it for

We're quite willing to maintain an active role in patch management and similar, if that's what people want - I just wanted to give 'the community' the opportunity to take creative control of the project, as we're doing this on company time and can't guarantee a timely response for such non-commercial activities.

If it's entirely Free software, I'd try one of
I've only used sf.net, and it's usable, so I have no opinions on the

Fair point - we'll upload the installer and a source snapshot to sf.net, once we have access (we're filling in the SourceForge 'new project' form, as we speak). Until then, the new versions are still being provided on our (low bandwidth) server, but may be temporarily disabled if they cause significant bandwidth issues.


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