About the issue in the subject, I have a couple of considerations to
share with you:
1) TAR / ZIP / etc. usually doesn't allow to delete or modify files
from the archive without recreating it. They allow append, but not
modify or delete.
2) HalFS and other "embedded filesystems" allows modify and delete
very freely, but the creation of new files has a great issue: usually
those filesystems need a "fixed size" storage. Even when a filesystem
can grow, it usually can't "shrink" very easily.

Today I had a "strange" idea: why not using sqlite (an embedded
database) for data storage?
I tried a bit today, even with very large (100s of MB) binary files,
and the time overhead seems very low from the first tests I made
(10-15% more than a simple cp). The data size overhead is even

Using that would give us on the pristine cache:
1) Portable transactional semantics.
2) Ability to store metadata (e.g. permissions).
3) Growable/shrinkable, single file storage.
4) A very solid backend (sqlite is used by Apple in Mac OS X for a lot
of storage necessities, even if not for "raw filesystem storage").

The major hassle of this solution is that requires sqlite + HDBC (or
something like that) as dependencies, but I think that this is
something we can work on (sqlite can be "embedded" as a large .c file
in any application).

I need to do LOTS more performance tests (maybe with HDBC) before
proposing (and maybe start implementing) this solution, but I want to
hear your thoughts about this.

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