> I still think that we shouldn't put tools into the darcs repository that we
>  aren't willing to support.  For instance, I'd rather take darcs.cgi out
>  than add darcsweb in.  (No, this isn't a threat to take darcs.cgi out, but
>  merely to point out that just because it's distributed with darcs doesn't
>  mean it works... as discovered recently when someone tried to use
>  darcs.cgi.)

Would a dedicated/standalone darcs-contrib repository be useful? (we
could move darcs.cgi there).  I suppose we could use a cursory-review
model, where we basically push in anything that looks like it was
submitted in good faith.

Maybe it would help for collecting a bunch of little scripts that
nobody really wants to maintain.

I have no opinion on the matter.  Zooko: if you think this may be a
good idea, would you be willing to take care of it?  I guess we could
host it on darcs.net if David agrees.
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