Am 07.03.2016 um 16:38 schrieb Matthias Bodenbinder:
> Hi,
> I just had a weird experience during playing around with DT 2.0.2. I have 
> white balance presets in the darkroom which I can neither select, update or 
> delete anymore.
> Here is what I did:
> prerequisite: I have an existing preset for white balance called "temp". I 
> use this to temporarily save white balance values to copy them to other 
> images.
> - Open image
> - set manual white point
> - select "save as new preset" (not update existing) and save with existing 
> name "temp"
> - this will render the preset unusable. Can not be selected or delete or 
> updated anymore.
> This behaviour is true for 2.0.1 and 2.0.2. 
> Can somebody please look into that?
> And how do I now actually delete this preset?
> Matthias

I could not reproduce that behaviour. I used sqllitebrowser to delete the 
presets from the DB. That work. Everything back to normal now.

I saw in sql that for the temperature presets the op_version is either 2 or 3. 
The broken presets had 3, the new and good once have 2. Does that matter? Other 
than that that broken presets did not look different.


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