Am Montag, 7. März 2016, 16:55:19 schrieb Matthias Bodenbinder:
> Am 07.03.2016 um 16:38 schrieb Matthias Bodenbinder:


> > prerequisite: I have an existing preset for white balance called "temp". I
> > use this to temporarily save white balance values to copy them to other
> > images.

You know about copy&paste of history entries I guess?


> I saw in sql that for the temperature presets the op_version is either 2 or
> 3. The broken presets had 3, the new and good once have 2. Does that
> matter? Other than that that broken presets did not look different.

That means that you used master in the past to create that preset. Don't do 
that. There might be history stacks that got updated to newer versions now.

> Matthias


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