
since I have a new CPU and mainboard I did a lot of benchmarking. What I am 
basically doing is executing

darktable-cli bench.SRW test.jpg --core -d perf -d opencl

I got bench.SRW and bench.SRW.xmp somewhere from a darktable group. 

Anyhow, I am comparing the DT processing times shown in the log file like this:

[dev_process_export] pixel pipeline processing took 22,524 secs (173,824 CPU)

Today I compared DT 2.2.1 with 2.2.3. I did each benchmark 10 times and 
compared the results:

for i in $(seq 1 10); do echo $i; sh bench-script.sh | grep "pipeline 
processing took"; done

Interesting finding:
With DT 2.2.1 the processing time is around 22 seconds while with DT 2.2.3 the 
processing time is around 14 seconds. I briefly crosschecked with a testfile 
from a Canon 5Ds and the difference is 58 seconds to 34 seconds. 

This is an amazing speed up! Most of the time is saved in the profiled denoise 
(from 33 s to 25 s) and equalizer module (22 s to 7 s). I assume somebody did a 
really good job in optimizing the code of these modules.

Good job! Thank you!


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