Hi Holger,

I've tried the plug-in and found a bug. The re-import does not seems to
be working.

First the re-import only happen if the copy exiv tags is also
activated. The attached patch fix that. But even with this the reimport
does not seems to work (the file never appears in darktable).

Any idea?

  Pascal Obry /  Magny Les Hameaux (78)

  The best way to travel is by means of imagination


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*** enfuse_pro.lua.orig	2017-03-20 20:25:00.491881558 +0100
--- enfuse_pro.lua	2017-03-20 20:25:26.263730642 +0100
*** 1003,1012 ****
                     -- execute exiv
-                       if (dt.preferences.read("module_enfuse_pro", "add_image_to_db", "bool")) then
-                         local image = dt.database.import(path_with_filename)
-                       end
-                       dt.print(_('process successfully completed'))
                     if (resultexiv == 0) then
                      --   remove_temp_files()
                         dt.print(_('process successfully completed'))
--- 1003,1008 ----
*** 1015,1020 ****
--- 1011,1021 ----
                         dt.print(_('ERROR: exiftool doesn\'t work. for more informations see terminal output'))
+                  if (dt.preferences.read("module_enfuse_pro", "add_image_to_db", "bool")) then
+                    dt.print(_('IMPORT IMAGE2 '..cmd_output_path.."/"..(GetFileName(first_imagefile)).."-"..(GetFileName(last_imagefile)).."."..cmd_suffix_output_format))
+                    local image = dt.database.import(cmd_output_path.."/"..(GetFileName(first_imagefile)).."-"..(GetFileName(last_imagefile)).."."..cmd_suffix_output_format)
+                    --                   dt.print(_('process successfully completed'))
+                  end
                -- remove_temp_files()
                 dt.print(_('ERROR: enfuse doesn\'t work. for more informations see terminal output'))
*** 1443,1446 ****
                          _('set the output color depth'),              -- tooltip
                          "16",                                      -- default
                          "8", "16","32","r32","r64")                -- values
\ No newline at end of file
--- 1444,1446 ----

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