Thanks, Matthias.

On Sat, 8 Apr 2017 at 05:03 Matthias Andree <> wrote:

1. If the assessments of your references are true that TCA
(LateralChromaticAberration) are always baked into the ARW then the
lensfun data will have been measured with TCA pre-corrected by the
camera and lensfun data will only compensate for the difference between
the in-camera precorrection and hugin's (lensfun's) idea of how much TCA
should be compensated.

I'm still investigating if TCA correcions are baked in even if they are
turned off in-camera; a preliminary test shows a difference of only about
+/- 0.0001, not sure that's significant or not (see attached diff;
generated using tca_correct with raws with CA correction on auto, to CA
correction off).

I think in either case I still needed to de-fringe or manually adjust the
CA parameters to remove all the CA.

I think as a workaround for the time being the only way I have is to
alter the lens names (add "VignPreComp" to the name, or similar) and
manually choose them, to go along with datasets that compensate for the
delta between the in-camera pre-compensated vignetting, and the full
compensation. This can then be re-written properly once lensfun exposes
a way to choose from alternate data sets for the same lens.

Yeah, we'd have to do this for all the lenses right? I guess we could
script that.

Another point of research is if the camera-compensated delta is constant
for all lens / focal length / aperture, I would be delighted if it were,
but not surprised if it wasn't.


Kelvie Wong

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