Am 30.04.2017 um 19:43 schrieb Christian Kanzian:
A bit late, but today I had some time for deeper testing this. In general
detection seems to work well and the profile very fast GPU with a single GPU
works nice as well.

On startup profile was set to multiple GPU, so detection works. Unfortunately
the GT 640 is relatively slow and often the full pipline gets processed on
this device:
[pixelpipe_process] [thumbnail] using device 0
[pixelpipe_process] [full] using device 1
[pixelpipe_process] [preview] using device 0

If the full pipe is running on a slow GPU switching between images is way
slower than before on larger history stakes especially with denoising active.

So I set opencl_device_priority as written in the manual to:
opencl_device_priority=!GeForce GT 640,*/!GeForce GTX 1060 6GB,*/GeForce GTX
1060 6GB,*/GeForce GTX 1060 6GB,*

Now the full pipe should not run on device 1 anymore, but it still does run on
device 1 if I switch between images:
[pixelpipe_process] [thumbnail] using device 0
[pixelpipe_process] [full] using device 1
[pixelpipe_process] [preview] using device 0

Zooming after switching works correctly on device 0.

darktable -d opencl reports this:
[opencl_update_scheduling_profile] scheduling profile set to multiple GPUs
[opencl_priorities] these are your device priorities:
[opencl_priorities]             image   preview export  thumbnail
[opencl_priorities]             0       0       0       0
[opencl_priorities]             1       1       1       1
[opencl_priorities] show if opencl use is mandatory for a given pixelpipe:
[opencl_priorities]             image   preview export  thumbnail
[opencl_priorities]             0       0       0       0

What does its output mean? Are my opencl_device_priority settings refused?
Maybe this is a corner case, because leaving a second slow GPU in a system
does not make sense.

Yepp, opencl_device_priority is only used if the "default" scheduling profile has been selected. That mode offers maximal configuration options. I shortly considered to make the "multiple GPUs" profile auto-adapt to the speed of detected devices. But in the end this would really be a corner case and probably the effort is not really justified.


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