Hello Edgardo,

On Sat, 13 Apr 2019 10:03:33 +1000, Edgardo Hoszowski <edgardo.hoszow...@gmail.com> wrote:

No reference to the profile that's not supported?

El vie., 12 abr. 2019 a las 20:52, Terry Duell (<tdu...@iinet.net.au>)

A build of the current master (9dce2d1eff6b8f134b83310a0500fa5c1fc8c78a)
is putting a message up on each image in Darkroom ' unsupported input
profile has been replaced by linear Rec709 RGB'.

No, the full message is as reported above.
One thing I have noticed that is a bit inconsistent, is that if I'm in lighttable and select an image, there is no message when it is displayed in darkroom, but subsequent selections of images from the filmstrip bottom of display in darkroom, all give the message.

Terry Duell
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