
Camera firmwares that convert raw to jpeg internally rely on proprietary
and undisclosed algorithms. Emulating these is not merely a game of
tuning input parameters, we need to reverse-engineer what algorithms
they use, in what color space, and in which order they are applied, and
repeat × pictures profiles × camera models × camera brands.

Not to mention, manufacturers use their internal sensor knowledge to
fine-tune algos, and we are in no position to compete by simple lack of
access to this knowledge.

darktable is already shipped with basic "basecurves" which emulate the
overall tone/color intent of each brand using only its standard image
profile, but they are limited, often inaccurate and no quality-control
is performed on them.

If people want to quickly get jpegs from their raws, any camera is
provided with some proprietary piece of software that has much more
educated guesses built-in than darktable, and knows about the camera
firmware, such that you could get your camera jpeg back from your
computer in no time.

So I would say this : darktable is not a firmware emulator. We don't
have the ressources to be, we already have an half-baked emulating
method for what it's worth, and then what use would it be to mimic
something that your camera already does better ? Designing a consistent
raw workflow is enough work as it is, trying to take into account all
the firmware discrepancies is simply madness in our context.



Le 30/08/2020 à 14:22, Chris Shelton a écrit :
> Some photographers work in jpg only and sometimes  I would not
> question  their  creative ability while maybe questioning the
> technical choice although I suppose they do avoid the mistake of
> overworking and gilding the lily
>  I thought that the  appeal of Darktable could be expanded to include
> people like this by having a facility whereby raw images are batch
> processed  to create a set of jpg images in a similar way to    the
> way jpg images are created by in-camera processing,  maybe in the
> light table module; there would still be the option to work on a raw
> image as normal.
> I'm a bit overworked myself at the moment and struggle with RSI as you
> may deduce from the voice recognition  I use .  I did do C and C++ in
> the 90s though it would take a while to get up to speed; maybe one day
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