On Mon, 11 Jul 2016 15:37:54 -0700
"I. Ivanov" <iv3...@gmail.com> wrote:

>I find it strange why is it done this way. Mix is to make the effect
>stronger or weaker. If I compare to a different module (for example
>color zones) - it is also based on curves and have mix but the mix
>does not reset to 1.0 as equalizer does. The challenge that I have
>is - when I re use the presets and decide to change the setting
>after preset is applied there is little to guide me in numerical
>values. Say - I have a preset that is with mix at 0.500 and on
>another image I would like to change it to 0.600 - either I have to
>start from default preset setting (that is 1.000 and no mix applied)
>and go back to 0.600 or I have to guess.
>Is it only me that is confused or are there benefits to be done this
>way that I am missing?

I had a similar conversation via the list on this.

This is the decision of the developers but:

My understanding, which could be wrong, is that DT is not storing the
mix, but the graph of the equalizer. The mix is to reduce or increase
the 'content of the container/pot'. 

* At 0.5 mix, only upper 1/2 of the bottom of the graph is in brown
  (I hope that it makes sense, sorry but English is not my first nor
  second language).
* At 1  the full bottom of the graph is in brown

Apply you preset, then compare the graph with the luma tab, the
chroma tab and the edges tab. Then maybe my explanation will make
sense :)


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