Le 08/12/2016 à 00:44, Saint Germain a écrit :

I just bought a Samsung NX1 and would like to use Darktable to process
the RAW (SRW).

However I really tried but I couldn't manage to get correct colors or
to have a good noise reduction in high iso situation (low light).

I've tried LightRoom and RawTherapee and I managed (without knowing
these softwares) to get quite good results in under 5-10 minutes.
So far I think I've spent several hours with Darktable...

I would really like to stay with Darktable (as I find the interface
quite pleasant and it offers a lot of useful features) but I really
need to have good colors and good noise reduction (at least comparable
to LR and RT) without too much tinkering.

 From what I have heard, it seems that Darktable noise reduction is
very powerful and actually superior to LR or RT. Basic noise reduction
in LR or RT is very simple : 2 sliders and that's it (Luminance and
Details). However it is quite effective, and I haven't been able to do
better with Darktable (and it took me much more time, I even made a
noise profile !).

Perhaps am I doing something wrong ?
Can someone guide me or show me how to proceed ?


Thanks for sharing all details.
Attached is my take on it.

Given base material (high iso, not much actual detail) I took a somehow more aggressive approach than usual (on the "preserve detail" vs. "kill noise" spectrum).

Here's the parameter dump:
* disable base curve
* disable profiled denoise
* RAW noise reduction, default parameters
* increase exposure +3.10EV so that brightest part (yellow title) is just on top
* bilateral filtering, red 0.04 green 0.02 blue 0.1
* non-local means, default parameters
* optionally, equalizer preset "noise reduction"
* sharpen, default parameters

Here are the rationales for those choices :
* disable base curve: source is low dynamic range (paper) and furthermore already has its own base curve * disable profiled denoise: haven't imported your profile. Anyway, when strong, generally does not perform well with bilateral. * RAW noise reduction: filters part of noise, at the cost some high-frequency killing which is okay in this specific case * bilateral filtering: attenuates large area hue variations somehow, without losing details at this strength
* non-local means: filters out some residual speckles
* equalizer: reduces noise some more, at the cost of more loss of details
* sharpen: to selectively recover edges attenuated by equalizer

Somehow off-topic:
* to correct barrel: chosen hackish lens correction parameters: NX10 and 20-50 F3.5-5.6 ED, looks good * set white balance "spot" selecting white part of title. Much better color, well, balance. Reset it to see how previous case could hide yellowish noise stains in white areas. * Subject is still. Why didn't you choose a longer exposure ? ISO would have been lower, so less noise to begin with.


Stéphane Gourichon

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