Le 25/12/2016 à 21:22, darkta...@911networks.com a écrit :
In the Z view, press the shift key, release the shift key and now you
can use your left arrow for the previous image or right arrow to the
next image while still in the 'Z mode'.

Shift key? I don't see any effect of any shift key here (darktable 2.0.3 on Ubuntu).

What works here is to keep Ctrl-Z pressed.
Then left or right arrow work with or without shift, mouse wheel too.
Ratings work with the mouse, not with the keyboard (French keyboard here, requires shift to be pressed to enter numbers.)

I believe that in older versions, one mouse wheel action was enough to make the preview sticky.

Le 25/12/2016 à 23:34, Tobias Ellinghaus a écrit :
Alternatively just bind a key to the sticky preview in the preferences. Or
even re-bind ctrl-z to that. No need for hacks.

Oh, an actual feature existed and I wasn't the only one unaware ?
I'm surprised to see that this was available for 2 years ( http://www.darktable.org/2014/12/released-darktable-1-6/ ).

What I've been needing for years is a serial rate/reject UI.

Looks like there's a valuable but slow growth feature here.

Preview is not very different from setting lighttable to one-column and pressing tab to collapse all borders plus switch back. Actually the only extra thing I see there is a darker border around the picture.

I've been using Ctrl-z for serial rate/reject, mainly because of the focus detection feature.
Sticky preview will allow this plus rate with the keyboard without hack.

Why do people hack ? Because some existing features being not visible enough, they explore and find working hacks.

AFAIK sticky preview is not mentioned in user manual. Preview is shortly mentioned in introduction of Chapter 2. Lighttable https://www.darktable.org/usermanual/ch02.html.php .

Shouldn't preview and sticky preview be somehow more salient?

Congratulations anyway for the whole of darktable!

Stéphane Gourichon

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