On mercredi 1 février 2017 19:04:39 CET Serge Schmitt wrote:
> Le mardi 31 janvier 2017 07:43:27 Remco Viëtor a écrit :
> > And I often prefer a slightly darker image than the default
> > jpeg gives me, anyway.
> While I can understand and still mostly favor myself the use of raw files, I
> cannot understand the use of "default jpeg". Why use "default" settings
> while there are so many possibilities to tweak the image in camera ?
I agree that I could get the look I want by tweaking the camera settings.
What I meant here with 'default' was 'the default DT gives me'.

> As an "amateur" photographer for 55 years, I always have seen, first with
> "labo", to day with software, processing as mostly desperate attempts to
> remedy bad exposure... So the in camera process would be for most people the
> best choice...

And the in-camera processing is what most people use in practice. But those 
are not the users you find here (almost by definition, as DT is a RAW 

> In this meaning, and based on what I see on Flickr, Ipernity and others I'm
> conviced that one day I'll probably shoot 90% jpeg, which nevertheless can
> be sufficently (for my taste) tweaked in Darktable and Bros. Most people
> won't ever never see the difference when printed or on screen size.

Same thing, most people shoot jpeg only (is there any phone that produces RAW 
images?). They don't need more, and don't want more. Nothing wrong with that.
But that's not a reason for *me* to limit myself to what the camera is willing 
to produce. I prefer getting the best possible exposure in camera, and then 
get the image I want while working on a decently sized screen, with better 
tools than a camera can give me

Also, you took my reply out of it's context, which was a question about how to 
get the same image as the camera delivered. I just pointed out that, while 
reproducing the in-camera image might be a good starting point, it's not the 
aim of using RAW format, so he should not limit himself to that or get too 
fixated on that.

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