On 05/02/17 10:41, Remco Viëtor wrote:
On dimanche 5 février 2017 09:56:26 CET Francesco Scaglioni wrote:

On 04/02/17 16:59, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
* Francesco Scaglioni <f...@mossdog.net> [02-04-17 11:50]:

Explain more to me the problem with dt not preserving the directory
structure.  And I do not know if dt's moves are recursive, you may need to
move each individual directory.

I can create the new folder structure locally that is not a problem.

The existing structure is :

home//me/Photos/year/month/projects( maybe up to 4 or 5 )/? sub-projects

If I ask DT to import recursively eg 2013 it will load the images from
all sub-folders.  If I then ask DT to copy or move them to a new 2013
destination it will do so but the folder structure below the original
2013 is not recreated in the new target folder and all images end up
getting placed in the new 2013 folder root.

Does darktable have a problem with symbolic links? If not, why not have:
"/home/me/Photos/2017/..." for current year as direct storage on SSD
"/home/me/Photos/2016" as a symbolic link to "/home/me/media/photos/2016" ?
And the same for 2003--2015, so 14 folders to move, 14 symlinks to create;
sounds like a job for a bash script. Note that the number of folders under the
year is not important here.

At the end of the year:
*close DarkTable*
move /home/me/Photos/2017/... to /home/me/media/photos/
create a new directory for 2018
create a symlink for 2017

This way, you keep the original folder structure.
Indeed, changing the folder structure is going to cause a lot of work, but as
long as it's repetitive, scripting should be possible, as it's basically
changing a *part* of the pathname in a known and constant way.

I had thought about symlinks ( I assume that they can be created recursively ) - my worry was that if I then decide to delete old photos then the symlink would be deleted and not the image. If I edit and old photo and export a sidecar file would the sidecar file end up in the same folder as the image ?


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