Thanks, Pascal! Yeah, after more reading, that's what I found as well. When I have a few hours to spare, I will upgrade my desktop PC to 17.10 and do just that.

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On 10/20/2017 05:40 PM, Pascal Obry wrote:

I've been doing some reading about Ubuntu 17.10 and the new Wayland
display server. It turns out that the NVidia drivers aren't yet
(very) compatible with that.
Do any of the NVidia owners among you already have Darktable running
on Ubuntu 17.10 under Wayland, and are you able to use OpenCL
If it doesn't work, I think I'll stick with Ubuntu 17.04 until NVidia
support for Wayland matures.
Why? You can use 17.10 with plain Xorg as done with 17.04. Those are
completely orthogonal problems. And wait for 17.10 to have proper
support for OpenCL on Wayland.

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