On samedi 10 février 2018 15:17:31 CET Jean-Luc Lacroix wrote:
> Relevant message from the compile run:
>   * Lua support: System library for lua 5.3 not found (to use darktable's
>   * version use -DDONT_USE_INTERNAL_LUA=Off)
> Lua packages installed:
> i A liblua5.2-0 - Shared library for the Lua interpreter version 5.2
> i A liblua5.3-0 - Shared library for the Lua interpreter version 5.3
> i A lua-bitop - fast bit manipulation library for the Lua language
> i A lua-expat - libexpat bindings for the Lua language
> i A lua-json - JSON decoder/encoder for Lua
> i A lua-lpeg - LPeg library for the Lua language
> i A lua-socket - TCP/UDP socket library for the Lua language
> i  lua5.3 - Simple, extensible, embeddable programming language
> Any other Lua package that I should install?

Yes, but no idea which one(s), as you don't tell us what OS/distribution/
version you use.

For me, on OpenSUse, I'd need lua-devel to compile anything using lua, so 
perhaps something similar exists for your system (liblua5.3-dev?). Make sure 
you use the same version for the development package as the library that will 
be used (or you risk getting at best linking errors and at worst crashes).


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