Yes on Debian (stretch) too. Found the missing liblua5.3-dev package and...

this is darktable 2.4.1
copyright (c) 2009-2018 johannes hanika

compile options:
  bit depth is 64 bit
  normal build
  SSE2 optimized codepath enabled
  OpenMP support enabled
  OpenCL support enabled
  Lua support enabled, API version 5.0.0
  Colord support enabled
  gPhoto2 support enabled
  GraphicsMagick support enabled
  OpenEXR support enabled

@Thobias, Patrick and Remco: thanks for this reactive support.



On 10/02/18 15:36, Tobias Ellinghaus wrote:
Am Samstag, 10. Februar 2018, 15:17:31 CET schrieb Jean-Luc Lacroix:
Relevant message from the compile run:

   * Lua support: System library for lua 5.3 not found (to use darktable's
   * version use -DDONT_USE_INTERNAL_LUA=Off)

Lua packages installed:

i A liblua5.2-0 - Shared library for the Lua interpreter version 5.2
i A liblua5.3-0 - Shared library for the Lua interpreter version 5.3
i A lua-bitop - fast bit manipulation library for the Lua language
i A lua-expat - libexpat bindings for the Lua language
i A lua-json - JSON decoder/encoder for Lua
i A lua-lpeg - LPeg library for the Lua language
i A lua-socket - TCP/UDP socket library for the Lua language
i  lua5.3 - Simple, extensible, embeddable programming language

Any other Lua package that I should install?

You would need some dev package. On Debian that's liblua5.3-dev. No idea what
you are using and what it's called there.





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