Interesting, could you link me to that old discussion, by any chance?  Or do you remember the email title?  I've heard recently that Lightroom has some really useful dual-window functionality as well that works quite a bit differently from the detachable panels I was working on, so I've been meaning to look into how they do it as well.


On 03/18/2018 08:47 AM, Tobias Ellinghaus wrote:
Am Samstag, 17. März 2018, 22:12:29 CET schrieb Robert Bieber:
I don't think dual-monitor setups are that uncommon among people doing
serious image editing.  I honestly wouldn't mind trying to pick the
detachable panels thing back up next time I have a little free time,
because it would be a pretty cool thing for multiple screens, but I'm
not sure if the rest of the regular devs would be okay with having to
support the added complexity I'd be merging in.
I don't think that your code from back then was heading in the right
direction. We had some discussions about how to add a 2nd screen mode a short
while ago (I can't find where it took place, maybe mailing list, maybe IRC,
maybe a bug report) and the conclusion was that we would want a 2nd window
that is independently color managed and fed by a new independent darkroom pipe
that can be zoomed and panned independently.

If you feel like working on that we would all be more than happy. :-)



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