On Sun, May 19, 2019, at 07:26, Michael Born wrote:

> I only get dull colors with dt 2.6.2 on Linux and raw files from my
> Olympus OMD E-M10. The basecurve module is activated by default.
> 1. But, how can I find out which setting/curve is used? Right-click on
> basecurve gives a list (including "Olympus-like") but none is bold/marked.

I believe "olympus like alternate" should be auto-applied for that camera. If 
it's not, maybe you have some other auto-applied preset interfering? I'm not 
sure why else this would fail.

> The release note of dt 2.6.1 and 2.6.2 state:
> Camera support, compared to 2.6.before
> Base Support
> ...
> Olympus OM-D E-M10 (enhanced)

I believe this refers to the color matrix, not the base curve.

> I read in the manual that I can switch on a camera specific basecurve
> (settings->central options->use camera specific basecurve settings). I
> set the tick mark there, but it still looks dull and I see no hint which
> basecurve is applied.

There are only a few camera-specific basecurves. One of them does happen to be 
for E-M10mkII; if you want to try it, you can go to the "shortcuts" tab of the 
settings window, and under "image operations>base curve>preset" assign a 
disposable keyboard shortcut to it... then after applying it once via the 
shortcut, you can save the curve as a normal preset. It's a little bit stronger 
than "olympus like alternate".

You can also try some of the styles I've uploaded here:


The E-PL6 and E-PL7 ones were based on more or less the same sensor, and seem 
to apply reasonably well to the E-M10 files I tested with. Some use basecurve, 
some use tone curve + color lookup table (such as produced by using 
darktable-chart utility), and some use the newer filmic module in place of the 
tone curve. The curves should be a good fit, the color profiling may be more 

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