That sounds like a good idea. I will figure out how to create such a style. I will make a 1734x1734 crop when I am on a 100% picture for this style. In the mean time I can use the copy/paste of the 'crop portion' of an image with the correct size. How can I enter an RFC to have this option in darktable?

Op 07-08-19 om 22:08 schreef Patrick Shanahan:
fwiw, I cannot either.  I believe the <right><click> is only for angular
positioning.  but it is possible to crop one image, go to lighttable, copy
crop portion of history stack and paste it to other images.  then edit the
other images to reposition the crop to desired location and you will have
the same crop parameters.  one could craft a style of only crop at
particular parameters and use that to make a group of photos have
"exactly" the same crop.

just successfully test the copy, paste.  did not bother to make a style.

-- (paka)Patrick Shanahan Plainfield, Indiana, USA @ptilopteri openSUSE Community Member facebook/ptilopteri Photos: paka @ IRCnet freenode
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