I understand, but these options need sudo rights. If someone wanted to install without sudo rights, then configuring build script might be a viable option.

As I said earlier, I have not built darktable itself, but have built (or struggled to build) plenty of other complicated systems.

Anyways, happy that problem is solved.


On 10/9/19 8:50 AM, Druuna (JD) wrote:
Hi Niranjan,

The problem is solved: The build.sh script needs to be started with sudo
otherwise the make install step will fail.

BTW: There is no real need to provide build.sh with options. It will fall back
to the defaults set inside that script. Most notably:


Have a look at ./build.sh --help


Op Wed, 9 Oct 2019 08:35:10 -0700
Niranjan Rao Schreef:

Sorry to jump in late and this is a big thread that I have not
completely read yet.

Most of open source tools can have install directory mentioned on
command line during build time. It seems to be same case for darktable
and readme.md at github has an example which will (should) not need sudo

You need to build with --prefix option or if you are executing cmake,
you need to have that variable (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX) defined. I have
not checked darktable code, many tools programs embed the path at
compile time in the binaries generated. Default paths - meant for
standard distributions can be overridden with make variables or at
configuration time.

In my opinion it should not need sudo permissions.  Your example command
seems to be missing -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX as mentioned in readme.

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