
*First of all: I noticed you are part of darktable's documentation team. In*

*that capacity do you commit your work/changes, using git, to the
repositoryin any way?*
I know NOTHING about how git works! :)
Yes, I'm helping with the documentation, but only in a copy-editing sense.
And that input is being facilitated by adding comments to the threaded
conversation on github.
Someone else (Pascal, I think) then merges my edits with the master.

*I'm asking because I've been assuming that you only want to get the
latestdevelopment version on your linux box to play around with.*


*Are you by any chance pulling darktable from outside the main branche?*

No idea! :)

*Have you tried to install a 2.7.0 .deb package in the near past byany


Because of your mention about 'git pull' saying 'already up to date': It's
not clear to me if you tried my instructions or have been working with your
existing copy and used mine as a rough reference only.

Tried both. Followed all of your instructions, as well as tried combining
your instructions with the instructions found at

*Starting clean might be a good idea (that is assuming you haven't
Yeah, tried that, too.

I have just followed your cmd line output to the letter.
Everything appeared the same for me as you got.
Once I got to the end of it all, I ran ./build.sh
It failed.
Because I'm a numpty who didn't put sudo at the head of the cmake command.
Once I did add sudo, it worked!

Thanks heaps for your help! Much appreciated. :)

Is there a reasonably approachable set of instructions that I can read up
on all this?
Seems to me there's a lot of incantations, spells, and dancing around in
the moonlight to make this shit happen, and I don't understand what all the
instructions actually mean.
But I'd like to learn.

Bruce Williams

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Druuna <dru...@ziggo.nl>
Date: Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 11:43 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: [darktable-user] Struggling here...
To: Bruce Williams <stu...@audio2u.com>
Cc: darktable-user <darktable-user@lists.darktable.org>

Hi Bruce,

We basically have the same setup; a production user and a different test
version user. Mint is an up to date version, no problems there.

Oh, wow I see mention of 2018 in the copyright message output you posted!
Definitely not what you want to see.....

First of all: I noticed you are part of darktable's documentation team. In
that capacity do you commit your work/changes, using git, to the repository
in any way?

I'm asking because I've been assuming that you only want to get the latest
development version on your linux box to play around with. I myself am in
this category.

Are you by any chance pulling darktable from outside the main branche?
ask me how to do or check that, that is beyond my git knowledge). The git
clone command I gave will not do this btw. It will clone the main branche.

Secondly: Have you tried to install a 2.7.0 .deb package in the near past by
any chance? I'm not aware of there being one, but I just want to cover the

Because of your mention about 'git pull' saying 'already up to date': It's
not clear to me if you tried my instructions or have been working with your
existing copy and used mine as a rough reference only.

Starting clean might be a good idea (that is assuming you haven't already

After a git clone the local branche is definitely not up-to-date when it
to rawspeed!

In my previous mail I showed the commands and not the output that is shown
my side of things. Might come in handy as a reference:

This is shown on my box when I start clean:

  /data/General/Git/darktable $ id
  uid=1004(jade) gid=1004(jade) groups=1004(jade),27(sudo),10000(jd)

  /data/General/Git/darktable $ cd ..
  /data/General/Git $ rm -rf darktable/

  /data/General/Git $ git clone git://github.com/darktable-org/darktable.git
  Cloning into 'darktable'...
  remote: Enumerating objects: 173514, done.
  remote: Total 173514 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 173514
  Receiving objects: 100% (173514/173514), 342.21 MiB | 21.09 MiB/s, done.
  Resolving deltas: 100% (135569/135569), done.

  /data/General/Git $ cd darktable/

  /data/General/Git/darktable $ git describe

  /data/General/Git/darktable $ git submodule init
'src/external/rawspeed' (https://github.com/darktable-org/rawspeed.git)
registered for path 'src/external/rawspeed'

  /data/General/Git/darktable $ git submodule update
  Cloning into '/data/General/Git/darktable/src/external/rawspeed'...
  Submodule path 'src/external/rawspeed': checked out

If I pull/update immediately after that I get:

  /data/General/Git/darktable $ git pull
  Already up to date.

  /data/General/Git/darktable $ git submodule update
  (no output is shown)

And some version info after all this:

  /data/General/Git/darktable $ git tag | tail -4

  /data/General/Git/darktable $ git describe

As you can see, git cloned/pulled/fetched/merged the latest version.

I'll  leave it at this for the moment. Give the above a try and see if you
get similar results.


> Yep, running mint 19.2.
> I have darktable 2.6.2 running under my standard user account.
> And I have set up a second user account specifically for running the dev
> version (if I can ever get it running... Well, I have 2.7.0 working, but
> is way out of date now. No filmic rgb, no tone equalizer, old interface,
> etc).
> Cheers,
> Bruce Williams.


The dead stay dead and the living only wait to join them.

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