Manjaro & Darktable 2.6.3

I'd like to "upgrade" to opencl. I have a Radeon R570 with 8Gb.
Arch has a "whole bunch" of opencl. Which opencl to use?

* opencl-mesa: free runtime for AMDGPU and Radeon
* opencl-amd: proprietary standalone runtime for AMDGPU (pal and
  legacy stacks in a single package)
* rocm-opencl-runtime: Part of AMD's fully open-source ROCm GPU
  compute stack, which supports GFX8 and later cards(Fiji, Polaris,
* opencl-amdgpu-pro-orca: proprietary runtime for AMDGPU PRO
  (supports legacy products older than Vega 10)
* opencl-amdgpu-pro-pal: proprietary runtime for AMDGPU PRO (supports
   Vega 10 and later products)

inxi -Gxxx

Graphics:  Device-1: AMD Ellesmere [Radeon RX 470/480/570/570X/580/580X/590] 
           vendor: Micro-Star MSI driver: amdgpu v: kernel bus ID: 01:00.0 
           chip ID: 1002:67df 
           Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.5 driver: amdgpu unloaded: 
           alternate: ati,fbdev,vesa compositor: kwin_x11 
           resolution: 1920x1080~60Hz, 1920x1080~60Hz           (<=== 2 
           OpenGL: renderer: Radeon RX 570 Series (POLARIS10 DRM 3.33.0 
5.3.12-1-MANJARO LLVM 9.0.0) v: 4.5
           Mesa 19.2.6 direct render: Yes 



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