> I find a frequent need to invoke Photoshop as part of my workflow when
> using LightRoom and assume this requirement might still exist if I
> switch to DarkTable. Is there a way to invoke any 'external' programme
> while working in DT ?

Short answer: no (or 'not yet')

Long answer:

DT has some local retouching tools (like cloning and healing) and a very
powerful masking system that allows you to apply any tool to very specific
portions of the image. This usually negates the need for an external
program like Photoshop for most people.

If you need to do retouching beyond DT's capabilities you currently have a
couple of options:

- some Photoshop-like programs (for example, Gimp and Krita) can use DT as
their RAW processor. This would be like calling LR from PS, the exported
picture ends up in the canvas of the caller program for further retouch

- you can always export from DT to a 16 or 32bit TIFF and edit that image
in your external program

Both these options are not ideal because there is an implicit order: you
can't intermix DT and the external program editions (unless you re-import
the result), and you need to keep track of them independently.

However, there is some work underway to add the LR->PS->LR workflow you are
asking for, specifically calling Krita from DT and including its editions
in the history of the file. This would make all editions fully reproducible
and non-destructive. See here:

(by the way: I recommend you to check that forum, it's much more active
than this mailing list)

Best regards,

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