On Tue, 2 Feb 2021 at 06:46, Andrew Greig <and...@algphoto.com.au> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have 450 images which I Watermarked and Framed in Darktable [...]
> Now I want to generate some full size jpg images without Watermark or Framing.

Try this:
- open any image (a throw-away image will do)
- turn on watermark on
- turn on framing
- turn off watermark
- turn off framing
- create a new style
-> 'The button to the right of the “compress history stack” button
allows you to create a new style...'); in that style, include the
watermark (off) and framing (off) entries of your history stack

(You could also start with an image that already has them enabled, of course.)

On export, select your newly made style in export settings, and append
it to your history
-> global options -> style). (This only applies to the exported image,
it won't affect your edits.)

In the future, you may want to omit adding the watermark + framing
while you edit; instead, create a similar style but with the modules
turned on, and apply them automatically to exported images.

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