On mercredi 24 février 2021 00:29:41 CET Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> * Jean-Luc CECCOLI <jean-luc.cecc...@wanadoo.fr> [02-23-21 18:16]:
> > Patrick, I do not use any email client, but my isp's web interface - which
> > is not configurable at all. I only can choose to use html or plain text,
> > no automatic cc nor reply-to nor whatsoever. If I choose html, then each
> > CR is seen by others like 2 CR - a blank line between each line - and
> > misquoting appears on replying. Pretty unreadable. If I choose plain
> > text, then I may have problems with posts from people using such
> > interface - double CR and misquoting, that means one cannot see who wrote
> > what. Attempted that when using the same tool there is no problem, then
> > we can assume the problem is araised between the two parts.
> I would stongly consider another email client.
> fwiw: your current email client is wanadoo.fr's web interface.
> and you can use another email client.

Confirmed, that's exactly what I'm doing:
ISP is wanadoo, I use KMail as mail client (which does reply to the list). 
POP3 (IMAP possible afaik) and SMTP, identifier and pass same as for the web 

Two caveats:
- (By default?) this only recovers the inbox, I haven't bothered to see 
whether I could also recover the "indésirables", and part of the mailing list 
messages ends up there (not checked if it's linked to the originating email 
address or domain)
- Sending can be a bit slow, SMTP servers seem a bit overloaded. But that 
might just be a matter of visibility (you probably won't see the delays on web 


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