Em 07/10/2021 22:52, Terry Pinfold escreveu:
Number one for me is DT's abilty to edit. Any ability to search for and find my images through lighttable is a bonus. But this should never be at the cost of making DT a bloated program. I wonder if it would be possible to improve the *sort by* funtionality of DT to include keywords. I am not a developer so I don't understand what is easy and practical to impliment.


Doing some (amateur) programming myself, I know that sorting tends to be costly. But filtering not as much, and SQLite is... lite and fast. So using tags and such as mentioned, to filter, not sort, is probably best.

As to performance.

I have "only" some 10-20k photos, I am an amateur and I don't go out shooting much. So it is not a problem that I often end up with "all" photos selected, but maybe DT could default to some small(ish) collection instead?

Also, maybe DT could only try whatever sorting option is active when having less than some number of photos, or be explicitly asked to. E.g. auto sorting only when having less than 1000 photos.

Also, thumbnail generation could be "lazy", only do it at some maximum rate, unless asked to do more

Maybe some of these already exist (as a preference, maybe)

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