* Butch Carpenter <csc...@gmail.com> [11-06-21 16:18]:
> On 11/6/21 3:59 PM, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> > * Butch Carpenter <csc...@gmail.com> [11-06-21 14:25]:
> >> On 11/6/21 12:27 PM, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> >>> * Butch Carpenter <csc...@gmail.com> [11-06-21 12:12]:
> >>>> Here's what I get from the integrity check:
> >>>>
> >>>> sqlite3 ~/.config/darktable/library.db "PRAGMA integrity_check"
> >>>> ok
> >>>>
> >>>> Then when I start darktable from a terminal and respond with "upgrade
> >>>> database", here's the results:
> >>>>
> >>>> /usr/bin/darktable %U
> >>>> [init] can't drop table images_old
> >>>> [init]   FOREIGN KEY constraint failed
> >>>> [init] database `library.db' couldn't be upgraded from version 32 to 34.
> >>>> aborting
> >>>> ERROR : cannot open database
> >>>>
> >>>> On 11/6/21 10:01 AM, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> >>>>> sqlite3 ~/.config/darktable/library.db "PRAGMA integrity_check"
> >>> 1. normally when one asks asks a question "on list", the conversation
> >>> should continue on the list as others may be interested or may have better
> >>> answers to the question.  I have cc'd this to the list.
> >>>
> >>> 2. did you do the VACUUM step
> >>>
> >>> 3. why start darktable with "%U"?
> >>>
> >>> 4. are there still instances of darktable running (ERROR : cannot open
> >>> database)
> >>>    ps aux | grep darktable
> >>>    ps aux | library.db
> >>>    
> >>>    if either show an existing instance, kill that instance (darktable
> >>>    first)
> >> 1. Sorry about the last reply.  I accidentally hit Reply instead of
> >> Reply All.
> >>
> >> 2. I did the Vacuum step with no change.
> >>
> >> 3. The install created a Menu item with that command to launch darktable.
> >>
> >> 4. Both processes were running.  I killed them in the order you 
> >> recommended.
> >>
> >> I still get
> >>
> >> /usr/bin/darktable
> >> [init] can't drop table images_old
> >> [init]   FOREIGN KEY constraint failed
> >> [init] database `library.db' couldn't be upgraded from version 32 to 34.
> >> aborting
> >> ERROR : cannot open database
> > what are the permissions on your db
> >  ls -la /home/<user>/.config/darktable/library.db
> do you have a great number of photos in your library?
> > do you save the xmp files along side your images?
> >
> > you might remove the library.db and reimport your images, if you have the
> > xmp files, they contain your editing history. 
> Permissions are -rw-r--r--
> ~32,000 images
> Yes, I have the xmp files in the same directories as my images,  one
> directory per shooting session

permissions s/b fine
I would re-import my images to a clean library.db
start it at night and you should be good to go the next morning

fwiw, I once imported 120k images.

(paka)Patrick Shanahan       Plainfield, Indiana, USA          @ptilopteri
http://en.opensuse.org    openSUSE Community Member    facebook/ptilopteri
Photos: http://wahoo.no-ip.org/piwigo               paka @ IRCnet freenode
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