* Alex Delaforce <123.adelafo...@gmail.com> [04-21-22 23:25]:
> Hi,
> Running latest available non-dev release on linux (EndeavourOS - arch base)
> - 3.8.1
> When I add a simple text watermark, the text disappears from the darktable
> image as soon as I change it from the standard text to my text. I have
> tried changing the colour, the scale and moving the x and y sliders but
> cannot see the simple text watermark.
> The text that's been added sometimes reappears when the software is closed
> and reopened.
> Just now I  added text to one image - text not visible
> Closed and reopened dt - text visible in dt view
> Changed to a different image and added text watermark - the watermark from
> the first image not visible.
> Rendered jpegs of the two images above do not show a text watermark.
> If I now go back to dt, one of the image previews in lighttable grid view
> shows a watermark the other doesn't - the one that shows doesn't show the
> watermark in darkroom view. The one that doesn't show the added watermark
> in lighttable view does show in darkroom view.
> I had a similar issue in a previous version - I think it was 3.6.x but I
> can't remember if this was rectified during the dot-point updates for the
> version.
> Does anyone have a similar issue or any suggestions - could it be my linux
> distro (arch in the form of EndeavourOS)?

you should file a bug report:

(paka)Patrick Shanahan       Plainfield, Indiana, USA          @ptilopteri
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