
And sorry for that maybe stupid questions, but...
I currently run dt from repos, and all works fine though some stuff is not installed (especially tools like noise, profiling, etc.). On a second machine (not the one I use for processing my photos !), I compiled it using the instructions on those pages <https://github.com/darktable-org/darktable/wiki/Building-darktable#ubuntu-20041-and-2010>. However, it seems that some files are not at the same places that those intalled from repos. Maybe it is something normal.
My questions:

1. is it possible (and safe ?) to force the installation in the exact
   same location that the offical packages ? How ?
2. I found there is no stable branch, just master and numbered.
   If I type
   git clone --branch latest --recurse-submodules --depth 1
   it will fail, however
   git clone --branch master --recurse-submodules --depth 1
   will work. No possibility to get something else than master ?
3. In the same kind of things, a little further one can find
   git checkout tags/release-4.0.0
   which seems to only work with numbering, even master is not
   recognized ('tags/release-master' does not correspond to any file
   known by git [translated from french]).
   What does this deserve ?

Sorry for all those questions, but I am trying to understand how things work for this project, as it seems the commuters differ slightly from others.



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