Have a look at https://discuss.pixls.us/t/annoucement-of-dtlapse/19522

> Am 16.04.2024 um 09:59 schrieb Sébastien Chaurin 
> <sebastien.chau...@gmail.com>:
> Hello all,
> Have any one of you guys wondered about how hard it'd be to implement 
> something similar to LRTimelapse ?
> For those of you not aware of what this is, it's an additional app that looks 
> at xmp files from LR. It looks first within a folder with hundreds of pics 
> for a timelapse (in real life), at those images with only 5 stars. In this 
> exemple let's say we only have 5 images for our timelapse.
> Let's imagine that we only have 2 of those, the first and the last, rated 5 
> stars. and let's also assume there is only one module with one parameter that 
> has changed : exposure.
> This app would look at the first 5 stars rated image and see the exposure 
> value of +0.5, and the second with a value of +0.9 hypothetically. 
> It would then look at how many images there are in between in the folder 
> (those not rated 5 stars) and divide the difference of the current setting by 
> the number of pics that sit in between these. 5 pics total minus the 2 rated 
> 5 stars leaves us with 3.
> So in this toy example we only have 3 photos in between the key images (5 
> stars), then we have
> - difference in exposure : 0.9 - 0.5 = 0.4
> - 4 pics to arrive at that 0.9 value if we start from the first one : 0.4 / 4 
> = 0.1 incremental step of exposure to be applied.
> it would build xmp files for the 3 non 5 star rated pic with exposure values 
> respectively of 0.6, 0.7 and 0.8. The first one being 0.5, and the last 0.9.
> This is assuming we have a linear progression, but I'm sure you can imagine 
> other types than linear.
> The idea is to adjust every parameter for the pics in between key images (5 
> stars pics) so that in the end for the timelapse, there are smooth 
> transitions for every setting, exposure is usually one.
> Hopefully this little example makes sense ? The concept is I think easy to 
> understand : avoid editing possibly thousands of pictures with varying needs 
> in editing. You would only edit key images, and then it would ensure smooth 
> transitioning for all the in-between images, working out the incremental 
> steps it needs to put for every single setting to ensure that.
> I've used that a lot during my time with LR, and I've been thinking about 
> bringing this capability into DT.
> Food for thoughts at this stage, and of course happy to discuss this further. 
> I'm sure there will be many obstacles in making that a feature, but isn't it 
> also the challenge ? :)
> PS: LRtimelapse goes a little bit beyond this, but let's start "simple". 
> Cheers,
> Sébastien
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