I believe the issue you've just described is outlined in a pending DataMapper 



On Nov 11, 2009, at 9:34 AM, Jeff Pollard wrote:

> Roy,
> Thanks for the reply.  That does help us replicate the :unique => true bit of 
> what we want, but our bigger problem is calling like Keyword.first(:text => 
> "Polish"), and getting the row for "polish" instead since it appears first in 
> the data store.  We had talked about extending methods like .first for the 
> Keyword class to account for this, but that seemed less elegant than 
> declaring the correct property data type.
> Thanks,
> -J
> On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 12:35 AM, Roy Wright <r...@wright.org> wrote:
> On Nov 11, 2009, at 12:44 AM, Fluxx wrote:
> >
> > We're currently building an application that has a Keyword model, with
> > a :text property that stores the text of the keyword (class
> > declaration below).  The :text property needs to be case sensitive, so
> > a :text of "Polish" and "polish" would be considered two different
> > records.
> >
> Not the prettiest, but this might get you heading the in a workable
> direction:
> http://gist.github.com/231789
> BTW, I first confirmed the difference between sqlite and mysql on case
> sensitive uniqueness.
> HTH,
> Roy
> > 

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