Hi Everyone,

I'm pleased to announce that DataMapper 0.10.2 is ready for release.

The primary focus of this release was to add Set operations (union,
intersection and difference) for collections of the same resource.
For more information on how this works, see my earlier message to the


A number of tickets were also resolved for this release:

  * Resource is now dirty when associations are dirty [#950]
  * Dirty siblings will not make a resource dirty [#1076]
  * Deprecate DataObjectsAdapter#query in favor of #select [#533]
  * Use Resource#__send__ instead of #send in case it is overridden
  * Updated Text type to be a primitive [#591]
  * Make sure SQL is generated with proper scoping of operations
  * Simplified AbstractComparison to lazily evaluate expected_value
  * Remove the ability to specify :repository in Query#relative
  * Refactored Query#update so that raw conditions can be merged
  * Fix m:1 with CPK containing a boolean property [#993, #994]
  * Fixed stack-too deep error thrown by saving a circular reference
  * Fixed String property to auto-migrate the property length column
  * Allow :attr.not => [] to match all records [#1050]
  * Fixed dirtiness tracking bug for unchanged attributes [#1109]
  * Ensure Collection#first and Collection#last always return the same
instance [#960]
  * Add Query support for :relationship => nil and :relationship.not
=> nil [#1116]
  * Fixed problem with Resource#save failing with custom properties
  * Model#copy bypasses private method visibility [#695]
  * Fixed Model inclusion/extension appending to work with defined
models [#1034]
  * Cleaned up deprecation warnings for :nullable [#1136]


NOTE: Before you start, please make sure you have the latest version
of rubygems by running the command:

  gem update --system

You should have the latest version of rubygems (1.3.5) before

1) Install the dm-core gem:

  gem install dm-core

2) (OPTIONAL) Install whatever dm-more gems you use, eg:

  gem install dm-aggregates
  gem install dm-constraints
  gem install dm-migrations
  gem install dm-serializer
  gem install dm-timestamps
  gem install dm-validations
  gem install dm-types

3) (OPTIONAL) Install the database driver, or adapter you plan on
using, eg:

  gem install do_sqlite3  # or do_mysql, do_postgres, etc

Reporting Issues

Please report any issues you find in IRC, on the mailing list, or in
the tracker:

IRC: #datamapper
Mailing List: http://groups.google.com/group/datamapper
Bug Tracker: http://datamapper.lighthouseapp.com/projects/20609-datamapper




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