> The primary focus of this release was to add Set operations (union,
> intersection and difference) for collections of the same resource.

I should also note there are a few deprecation warnings in this
release.  It is my intention to keep these at a minimum, and only
deprecate when there is no other choice or when there are better
approaches available.

In this specific case, the :nullable property/relationship option was
changed to :required, and the value flipped.  So if you had:

  :nullable => true

Change it to:

  :required => false

And conversely:

  :nullable => false   -->   :required => true

The :nullable option always bugged me -- it's difficult to understand,
and isn't really a word.  Most importantly it just stood out as ugly
in an otherwise (IMHO) clean DSL.  After working with this change for
the last few months I find :required to be much more readable.  I hope
you agree :)




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