I have Point model and a Polygon model. I want to the association
PointPolygon to also have a reference to the previous and next point
in the Polygon, which are references to the the respective points'
ID's from the Points table. I looks like a linked list.

How exactly do I declare these 2 additional attributes in the Point
and PoygonPoint models?

class Point
  include DataMapper::Resource

  property :id,     Serial
  property :name,   String,   :nullable => false, :unique => true
  property :x,      Integer,  :nullable => false, :default => 0
  property :y,      Integer,  :nullable => false, :default => 0

  has n, :polygon_points
  has n, :polygons, :through => :polygon_points

class Polygon
  include DataMapper::Resource

  property :id, Serial
  property :name, String, :nullable => false, :unique => true

  has n, :polygon_points
  has n, :points, :through => :polygon_points

class PolygonPoint
  include DataMapper::Resource

  property :id, Serial

  belongs_to :polygon, :model => "Lot", :child_key => [:polygon_id]
  belongs_to :point, :model => "Point", :child_key => [:point_id]

  belongs_to :point, :model => 'Point', :child_key => [:prev_point_id]
  belongs_to :point, :model => 'Point', :child_key =>

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