You can either call #to_a on Thing.all, or change the
DataMapper::Collection to disable eager loading:
(nothing else in datamapper gets affected this way)

On Feb 8, 7:23 am, Farley Knight <> wrote:
> I have created a slightly modified test to show you what kind of
> results I'm getting:
> I create 10 things and then find the widget count on each of them. It
> does query the counts alone, but it the second SQL line from the line
> of dashes it loads all of the existing widgets into memory, which is
> where my app is slowing down, since I have several of these things and
> perhaps at least 50-100 widgets per thing, with more data associated
> with each record. It never quite loads and just gets killed by
> Dreamhost. I assume that DM thinks that since I'm iterating over all
> of the things that I'm probably going to be iterating over all of the
> widgets as well.. Not sure how to tell it otherwise..
> On Feb 3, 4:28 am, Jonathan Stott <> wrote:
> > On Tue, 2 Feb 2010 15:18:53 -0800 (PST)
> > Farley Knight <> wrote:
> > > Thanks for responding. This is a decent quick fix but I'm trying to
> > > push DataMapper into a drop in ActiveRecord replacement for a decent
> > > sized codebase. It seems to almost fit but there are a couple of edges
> > > that are poking out.
> > Hi
> > I'm curious, which version of ruby and dm are you using?  And are you using 
> > dm-aggregates?
> > Have a look at this gist:
> >
> > That's what I see on my computer, which is running dm-core 0.10.2, ruby 
> > 1.9.1 and (most importantly) has dm-aggregates required.
> > Regards
> > Jon

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