Your proposal fits with all of my multi-repository use cases, I can't
think of one for the existing behaviour. As you mention, you can
achieve it with inheritance (I'd probably use mixins but whatever).

On Feb 2, 5:45 am, Anthony Williams <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been thinking a little about defining properties in DataMapper,
> particularly relating to how they work within repository blocks. I've
> posted some ideas to my 
> site:
> If you prefer to read them here instead (sans links and syntax
> highlighting), I've included the full message below.
> I'd love to get some feedback; let me know what you think...
> Anthony.
> In my own dm-core fork on Github I've recently been experimenting with
> ways to trim down both Resource and Model, extracting specific
> functionality out to separate classes and modules. I've started by
> relieving Resource of the need to take care of attributes, creating an
> AttributeSet class which holds all of a Resource's attributes, tracks
> when they've been updated (marking them as dirty), and lazy-loading
> attributes when needed.
> Although not yet pushed to Github, my latest commits pass the full dm-
> core spec suite against SQLite3 and PostgreSQL, but have 3-4 failures
> with the InMemory and Yaml adapters. I eventually tracked this down to
> an example where a Property is defined on a Model within the context
> of a specific repository. For example:
>     require 'dm-core'
>     DataMapper.setup(:default, 'in_memory://localhost/one')
>     DataMapper.setup(:second,  'in_memory://localhost/two')
>     class Person
>       include DataMapper::Resource
>       property :id,   Serial
>       property :name, String
>       repository(:second) do
>         property :external_id, Integer
>       end
>     end
> This creates a Person model with two attributes: `id` and `name`, and
> a third `external_id` attribute which applies only when using the
> model within the `:second` repository context:
>     DataMapper.repository(:second) do
>       Person.create(:name => 'Michael Scarn', :external_id => 1)
>     end
> In then realised my AttributeSet implementation didn't account for the
> properties of a Model changing depending on the current repository
> context. It then led to me thinking a little more about the purpose--
> and usefulness--of being able to define models in this way.
> I'd like to--perhaps a little presumptuously--suggest that this
> functionality isn't as nice as it first seems, provide an alternative
> means for achieving the same result, and elaborate on how I think such
> repository blocks should work.
> ### Inconsistent instance API
> Allowing a user to wrap properties in a repository block results in a
> model changing it's behaviour depending on external state (the current
> repository context). At one moment the resource has an `external_id`
> attribute, and in the next the attribute seems to disappear.
>     DataMapper.repository(:second) do
> => 1)
>     end
>     # => #<Person @id=nil @name=nil>
> Wait... where did the `external_id` attribute go? In fact the
> attribute was set, it just doesn't appear since `Person#inspect` was
> called outside of the repository block...
>     DataMapper.repository(:second) do
>       puts => 1).inspect
>     end
>     # => #<Person @id=nil @name=nil @external_id=1>
> Aha! There it is. Trying to set the `external_id` attribute outside of
> the `:second` repository context will also (rightly) fail.
> ### Ambiguity as to where a resource is saved
> DataMapper's repository context allows you to save any Resource to any
> defined repository (providing they support the same features).
>     person = => 'Samuel L. Chang')
>     # Now that I have my resource, I can save it to wherever I
>     # want... By default, the resource will be saved in the
>     # :default repository
>     # Alternatively, I can specify a different repository...
>     DataMapper.repository(:second) do
>     end
> While this is an interesting feature, I'm struggling to come up with a
> reason why you'd _want_ to do this. To me it just introduces
> ambiguity:
> > Erm, where did I save that person instance? I'm sure it's around here
> > somewhere... Where are you little person instance? Peekaboo!
> > <cite>Me, a year later.</cite>
> In reality, so long as you're explicit about wrapping parts of your
> application in the correct repository blocks, this is not a problem.
> But wherever you have to be explicit there is the possibility that
> someone will forget; forgetting _just once_ might be enough to cause
> obscure bugs.
> If the `external_id` attribute was set to disallow nil, the second
> call to `` in the above example would fail, since no value
> was set. (In fact, the above example would fail anyway, since the
> first call to `` would mark the resource as clean, thus the
> second call would do nothing.)
> ## A better way?
> I'm of the belief that each model should be associated with one--and
> only one--repository. This would be the `:default` repository, except
> where a user explicitly declares otherwise when setting up their
> model. A `Person` would be associated with the default repository
> _always_, regardless of the current repository context. In the example
> below, the person would be persisted to the default repository even
> though it's wrapped in another repo.
>     person = => 'Michael Scarn')
>     DataMapper.repository(:second) do
>     end
> DataMapper could provide a method for changing the default repository:
>     class Person
>       include DataMapper::Resource
>       # Tells DM that the Person model should be persisted
>       # to the :second repository.
>       set_repository :second
>       property :id,   Serial
>       property :name, String
>     end
> By doing this, users would never need to worry about repository
> context outside of their models, making their domain objects much more
> straight-forward.
> As far as I'm concerned, `Person` and `repo(:second) { Person }` are
> two different models, with different interfaces, different properties,
> and are stored in different repositories. The second Person should
> probably be represented as another model, distinct from the first.
> Since DataMapper doesn't congflate class inheritance with Single Table
> Inheritance, we could use inheritance to achieve the same effect as
> the current API:
>     class Person
>       include DataMapper::Resource
>       property :id,   Serial
>       property :name, String
>     end
>     # Inherits properties from Person, but adds it's own
>     # custom properties, and persists to another repo.
>     class HRPerson < Person
>       set_repository :second
>       property :external_id, Integer
>     end
> ### Problems with this approach...
> `Model#copy` would break. Well... it wouldn't just break. The entire
> concept of copying resources across repositories would become
> redundant.
> ## An alternative meaning for repository blocks
> By doing away with the current meaning of repository blocks within
> model instances, we free up the API to do something I think is much
> more interesting: models which persist _across_ multiple repositories.
> Let's take a (slightly contrived) example...
>     DataMapper.setup(:default,         'yaml://localhost/main')
>     DataMapper.setup(:human_resources, 'yaml://localhost/hr')
>     class Employee
>       include DataMapper::Resource
>       property :id,       Serial
>       property :name,     String
>       property :username, String
>       property :password, String
>       repository(:human_resources) do
>         property :salary, Integer
>         property :pay_on, Date
>       end
>     end
> Our employee model has six properties: `name`, `username`, and
> `password` will be persisted to the default repository, while `salary`
> and `pay_on` will be persisted to the human resources repository.
> `id`, since it is a key, is used in _both_.
> Let's create a employee...
>     Employee.create(
>       :name     => 'Michael Scarn',
>       :username => 'mscarn',
>       :password => '12345',
>       :salary   => 2000,
>       :pay_on   =>
>     )
> Here's what would happen "under the hood":
> 1. We assume that the key is generated by the model's default
> repository. In the absence of a `set_repository` statement, DataMapper
> assumes `:default`.
> 2. DataMapper then saves the resource to the default repository. In
> this example it persists the name, username, and password, and returns
> the ID which was generated.
> 3. It then proceeds to persist the salary and pay_on attributes to the
> human resources repository with the ID returned by the default repo.
> Our storage ends up looking a little like this:
>     # default/employees.yaml
>     - id: 95143
>       name: "Michael Scarn"
>       username: "mscarn"
>       password: "12345"
>     # hr/employees.yaml
>     - id: 95143
>       salary: 2000
>       pay_on: 2010-02-01
> ### Lazy loading from multiple repositories
> Loading a resource without specifying which fields you want to load
> would work in a way similar to lazy loading.
>     user = User.get(95143)
> This loads the User with `id`, `name`, `username`, and `password` from
> the default repository. Calling `user.salary` would load all of the
> attributes which belong to the human resources repository.
>     user = DataMapper.repository(:human_resources) do
>       User.get(95143)
>     end
>     # ... or ...
>     user = User.get(95143, :repository => :human_resources)
> This loads the User with `id`, `salary`, and `pay_on` from the human
> resources repository. Calling `` would load all of the
> attributes which belong to the default repository.
> ### Finishing up
> I think this behaviour has a lot of potential: In many web
> applications developers have made the compromise of denormalising data
> in order to improve performance. DataMapper could instead provide an
> API to store these denormalised "cache" attributes in a fast key/value
> store.
>     class Journey
>       include DataMapper::Resource
>       property :id,       Serial
>       property :start_at, String
>       property :end_at,   String
>       repository(:redis) do
>         property :really_expensive_computation, String
>       end
>     end

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