On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, Dave Rolsky wrote:

> No, this has nothing to do with Mr. Dominus.
> Rich, can you explain the pseudo-mjd system that Date::ICal uses for its
> internals?  And why didn't you you use real MJD?

It is MJD + an offset (or - an offset, as the case may be). It makes the
calculations just a little faster when you are starting from some known
date that is closer to dates that we are likely to be using. It makes
the numbers that we're dealing with smaller. I think that there were
other reasons. I'd have to paw through the archives. However, the actual
number being stored can be changed to real MJD, and the whole thing
would remain internally consistent. I think. And might end up being a
little easier, since Calendrical Calculations uses that number as well.

But I could be remembering wrong. Any of the other Reefknot folks

> Inquiring minds want to know.  I think this is particularly important
> since I was hoping to use this format as the basis for interoperability,
> but I'd more comfortable with a real standard for that (I suppose ICal
> fits the bill there, but it requires everyone to parse things out over and
> over).
> -dave
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Pilgrim, how you journey on the road you chose
To find out where the winds die and where the stories go
 --Pilgrim (Enya - A Day Without Rain)

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