On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, Daisuke Maki wrote:

> I've hacked together DT::Calendar::Japanese and DT::Format::Japanese. Is
> there anybody on this list that can use Japanese on his machine?

I somehow got emacs to do so, yes.  If it's working and displaying the
right characters, then my pathetic character reading skills tell me that
the era beginning "857 2 21" was the "heaven peace" era, or something
along those lines.

> Pls let me know if I did anything glaringly wrong.

Well, what you made works, but I think it's somewhat missing the point.
Your module simply takes a Gregorian date and then calculates the
corresponding Japanese era for that Gregorian date.

But your object does not actually represent the Japanese calendar.  What
I'm getting at is that given a DateTime::Calendar::Japanese object, I'd
expect a method like ->year to return the year as it is numbered in the
_Japanese_ calendar, not in the Gregorian calendar!

If I want to know the corresponding Gregorian year, I can always use
DateTime->from_object to produce the equivalent Gregorian object.

If you take a look at DT::Calendar::Julian, you'll see that if you call
->year, you are getting the Julian year, not the corresponding Gregorian
year.  The same goes for all of its other methods.

This is how the DT::Calendar::Japanese class should work.  In addition,
you'll also want methods like ->era, ->regime, possibly ->kigen, and
methods to return the major and minor solar terms.

If you do want to do this, let's collaborate, because I want to create
DateTime::Calendar::Chinese, and they share a lot of core calculations.
We might be able to put these in some sort of
DateTime::Algorithm::ChineseJapanese module that we could both include as
a prereq.


House Absolute Consulting

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