Well, what you made works, but I think it's somewhat missing the point.

Yeah, I had that nagging feeling all along ;) good thing you took a look.

But your object does not actually represent the Japanese calendar.  What
I'm getting at is that given a DateTime::Calendar::Japanese object, I'd
expect a method like ->year to return the year as it is numbered in the
_Japanese_ calendar, not in the Gregorian calendar!

So Japan uses the Gregorian calendar, except notations differ. This was the original reason why I dumped this era type of thing into the Format:: module.

I'm not sure what else I would put in a Japanese calendar? (Now that I know Miyagawa-san is in this list, he may be able to help me here :)

So for example,

   my $cal = DT::Calendar::Japanese->new();
   print $cal->year, "\n";

What should it do: return the year in Japanese characters? or, I guess it could be something like "Heisei 15"... hmm.

This is how the DT::Calendar::Japanese class should work.  In addition,
you'll also want methods like ->era, ->regime, possibly ->kigen, and
methods to return the major and minor solar terms.

Is "solar term" = "koyomi"? And when you say "kigen", what are we talking about...

Hmm, so is DT::Calendar::Japanese supposed to do things like

   $cal->year; # "Heisei 15"
   $cal->month; # "Nyo-tuki"
   $cal->day;   # "2 day" (in Japanese)

Is that what you're saying? I just thought that would go to the formatter.

Or, are we talking about the Lunar Year system?

If you do want to do this, let's collaborate, because I want to create
DateTime::Calendar::Chinese, and they share a lot of core calculations.
We might be able to put these in some sort of
DateTime::Algorithm::ChineseJapanese module that we could both include as
a prereq.

That's cool!

I'm just still a bit confused :)


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