Ok, committed.

The new top level module FAQ now contains the files:
 - faq.source      - The master file for the FAQ
 - Makefile        - A make file to ease development
 - build_index.pl  - Puts the index on the top and numbers sections
 - make_comp.pl    - Turns the generated HTML into a Mason comp
 - t/00syntax.t    - Basic POD syntax test

Run make to generate:
 - faq.html        - The generated Mason component (from make_comp.pl)
 - complete.html   - The full HTML file (from pod2html)
 - faq.pod         - The full POD file (from build_index.pl)

And make test to generate:
 - t/01examples.t  - The FAQ example test suite
And run both test suites (lots of cannot resolves from 00syntax.t is
normal... any idea how to make them resolve?)

Finally, make clean gets rid of all the generated stuff.


On Sun, Jun 01, 2003 at 01:38:52PM -0500, Dave Rolsky wrote:
> No need to copy it, just generate it to that file and check it in.  Once
> it's satisfactory, I can publish it by checking it out on
> datetime.perl.org.

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