Unless anyone else is already doing a conversions document (or has
their heart set on doing it) I am willing to take a whack at it.

I've started on it (if you're talking about the migration document mentioned earlier in this thread). I'd love if you want to take a bite on one (or more) of the modules.

My thoughts are to:
1. Document command equivlencies. (In X::X do xxx, in DateTime do yyy)
2. Document DateTime versions of examples in docs for the said modules

I've almost finished Time::Local and POSIX .. care to start on one of the larger modules? :)

While we're at it, if anyone wants to pick any other date/time module from CPAN, let me know what you're working on.


            There are 10 kinds of people:
  those that understand binary, and those that don't.
  The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck
    is the day they start selling vacuum cleaners
"Write a wise proverb and your name will live forever."
   -- Anonymous

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