On Wed, 11 Jun 2003, Tim Bunce wrote:

> > > And I'll repeat my (carefully worded) statement that "A single
> > > regex could handle all formats that follow the ISO 8601 general
> > > left-to-right decreasing resolution style, with assorted optional
> > > punctuation, plus optional appended TZ."
> >
> > In fact, this'd be pretty much what Date::Parse does ;)
> Parse::Date is limited to dates that Time::Local can handle.
> (It also uses Time::Zone for named timezones.)

Only the str2time function uses T::L.  And that's only so it can return an
epoch.  The strptime function, which does all the work, doesn't need it.

> I'd say rip the guts out and stuff it in a new module focused on working
> with DateTime. Drop anything that gets in the way (like Time::Local),
> two digit years, and perhaps named timezones.

Supporting Olson time zones should be too hard, since it's just a string
match [a-zA-Z0-9/] at the beginning or end.


House Absolute Consulting

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