I have made my rough ISO8601 parser available at:

Since this is a rough first release there are huge things wrong with
it.  An incomplete list is:
     - No documentation
     - Module name not settled yet
     - Only parses Dates (no times, recurrences or durations... yet)
     - Code is littered with XXX indicating areas of further thought
     - Code is littered with debug stuff
     - Code should be much cleaner before release
     - The interface is nowhere near done
     - Needs more tests (and tests of failure)
     - Error handling doesn't exist

What it does do at the moment:
    - Parses any valid ISO8601 date
    - Allows you to pick which format categories to apply (but the
      interface is awful!)
    - Does selection by variable length (8+ characters)
    - Reasonably efficient algorithm for picking which formats match
      the user's categories
    - Test suite works now (and is passed completely)

If you want to play with this either check out the test suite, or use
the following line as a basis:

    PERL5LIB=lib perl -MDateTime::Format::ISO8601 -e 'print 
DateTime::Format::ISO8601->parse_datetime(shift, shift)->datetime(), "\n"' 2003W011

The optional second argument is the formats to use.  The valid formats are:
  C: Complete (fully specified date)
  R: Recuced Precision (less significant items are dropped)
  T: Truncated (current items implied)
  B: Basic (no separators)
  E: Extended (with separators)
  X: Expanded (extra years)
  O: Ordinal date (day count from year)
  W: Week date (day count from year)

The default is to try all of them (XWOTCREB).

You must always pass in E or B and C or R since each format has those types.

So if you only wanted to use Complete Basic items, pass in "CB".


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